Motivational Monday - Travelling houses around the world #29
Posted on פברואר 17 2020
Motivational Monday #travelling_houses around the world.
Stay wild at heart ❤
Posted on פברואר 17 2020
Motivational Monday #travelling_houses around the world.
Stay wild at heart ❤
Posted on פברואר 10 2020
Be the girl who decides to go for it, London is a great place to start.
Posted on פברואר 03 2020
This miniature house is a custom order of an amazing woman and features the phrase "My inner house is always with me" in Hebrew.
Posted on ינואר 27 2020
Focus on happy. Always!
Posted on ינואר 23 2020
In the last few months, I had some orders of personalized ceramic stones. Those little message stones usually featured one or two inspirational and motivational words and the big ones feature motivational phrases.